Tavistock Tutors Blog

Some helpful blog pieces and articles for our students and tutors.

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The importance of studying maths and science

The importance of studying maths and science Curiosity killed the cat. Or so we’re told… The reality is that, without curiosity, we’d never have taken the steps forward that humanity took over the last 300-odd years. If Isaac Newton wasn’t the curious guy that he was, he probably would just have gone home and grumpily put a bag of frozen peas on [...]

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Top Ten Interview Tips

Top Ten Interview Tips Whether it’s for your first job, dream university, internship or later career move, doing well in an interview is an important part of personal advancement. Just as some people are naturally gifted at sport, some people naturally interview well, but everyone can improve their skills through preparation and practice. No matter how talented a football player [...]

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A Geography Revision Guide

Geography is a fantastic subject- there is so much more to it than meanders and ox-bow lakes! However, as it is such a broad subject it can be one that is difficult to revise for. Case study upon case study might leave you mind-boggled but hopefully this short revision guide will ensure that you are prepared and confident when revising [...]

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English Revision Guide

 Step one for revising for any exam do not panic! You already have everything you need that will enable you to get a good mark. Confidence is key! Before beginning, its worth remembering that revision is a marathon, not a sprint. No amount of cramming the day before will make you feel more confident or prepared! [...]

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How to prepare for adult life

Exams are all very well, but there are a lot of ways that school is inadequate in preparing you for adult life. In this blog, Im going to pose a number of questions about life after school to see how ready you are! Personal finance You will soon be getting a job, paying bills, taking out loans and saving for the future. [...]

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Creativity in Maths and Science

As a child I found it very difficult to concentrate in class despite this I was a high achieving student and academically very successful. I graduated with three science degrees and gained numerous scholarships throughout my school and university life. Ifound many of my classes dull and boring so I would go home and find a way to enjoy learning. [...]

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Medicine in South Africa

Im really excited to be blogging about my experiences learning medicine in South Africa. I opted to do my elective in Paediatrics in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa. The application process was incredibly long, it took about six months of sending emails and forms and I didn't get the final confirmation until about 4 weeks before I was due to fly out!! [...]

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The value of a good health service

A short blog today as i'm feeling quite upset. A new patient came in today. He is five years old, his name is Bheka, and he is the sweetest kid. Bheka presented with bilateral leg weakness, and left eye proptosis (an out bulging of the eye out of the socket, usually due to swelling). He also had a 10 day [...]

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Why Study Languages at University?

A good languages course is one of the most multi-disciplinary that any degree can offer. It will cover literature, grammar, vocabulary, linguistics, speaking, current affairs, culture and history. This can seem daunting, but it arms the student with an impressive arsenal of skills that will remain with them for the rest of their life. The technique of being able to interpret [...]

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10 things medical students should know

. 10. Do medicine because you want to do it. Medical school is a lot of hard work, late nights, and jumping through hoops. Dont do it because you think you should: do it because you love medicine and dont want to do anything else. 9. The application process is scary and long but its very doable. Dont be intimidated by [...]

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