A Geography Revision Guide

Geography is a fantastic subject- there is so much more to it than meanders and ox-bow lakes! However, as it is such a broad subject it can be one that is difficult to revise for. Case study upon case study might leave you mind-boggled but hopefully this short revision guide will ensure that you are prepared and confident when revising for any geography exam!

My top tips:

Remember to link: Geography is a subject requiring you to understand the social, economic and environmental factors associated with a human or physical topic. Show that you are aware that geography is all about the relationship between the social and physical world. A volcano is not just a physical feature, it has an impact on the communities locally but also potentially worldwide. Human and physical geography do not have to exist separately, so draw links between concepts and topics.

Learn your geographical language: Geography is a subject rich in language so make yourself familiar with it. Tectonic plates do not just move away from each other, they diverge. Some countries do not just have lots of people, they are densely populated. Learn these key terms and you will sound like a true geographer.

Use diagrams: Whether its a diagram of the hydrological cycle or the demographic traction model, use diagrams to help you remember key geographical theories and concepts. Colourful pens can help here and (and you’ll conform to the classic geography stereotype of colouring in whilst doing so!). Don’t be scared to draw them in exam answers too- examiners love this!

Learn your case studies: Geography is all about the real world so make sure you know your case studies- and know them well. Be specific and detailed when referring to them in an exam answer as nothing is worse than being vague- it suggests to the examiner that you are unsure of what you’re talking about and you definitely don’t want that. You need to be able to show that you can apply your theoretical knowledge to real-life, so make sure you’ve got those dates and key facts memorised. Flash cards and mind maps come in very useful here!

Practice, practice and practice! The best way to put your geography knowledge to the test is to get practising past papers. These are key to learning exam technique and familiarising yourself with the layout and language of an exam paper. Remember to be aware of the number of marks given for questions as this is an indication of how long and detailed an answer should be.

I hope these tips come in handy when getting stuck into your geography revision. Remember to keep things fun too as its too much of an exciting subject to get bored by! Try using your parents as pretend students and talking them through a particular topic- you never know they might even learn a thing or too in the process! Good luck.

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Additional resources:

Geography at University
Geography GCSE and Beyond
Geography has Come of Age

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