Preparation In An Exam Period

We have all taken part in different types of exams during our lives. From the early school years till our entrance for undergraduate studies, and later on during postgraduate studies. Every type of examination hides its own difficulties according to our age and psychology. There is no participant have not said after the exams “If I knew that… if I have done that… I would have score better…” . Every exam teaches you experiences and “lessons” for future exams…After the exam period you become more wise and you can easily find your mistakes…

Let’s try to avoid “I wish I had done that earlier….”, with some tips from my own experience, leading to success.

  1. Become a plan freak!

Try to plan your study in order to know what you want to achieve. Make a realistic plan in order to make it work and avoid disappointment. Quote suggests that you can change and update them as circumstances change. Having a plan can reduce your stress if you work on it effectively.


  1. Deal with distractions.

While studying try to reduce phone calls, e-mails, social media and drop – in visitors. Don’t answer your phone at certain times. Let it go to the answering machine when you are trying to concentrate or writing. Close your door and create a quiet working environment.

  1. Get a studying routine.

If you get used to a studying routine, then your reading time will become more effective and more entertaining. Also, you will avoid the last minute stress of trying to cover all your syllabus! A routine will give you the luxury of having some stress-free time and do some things that you really enjoy. For example after you have finished your scheduled working hours, you will be able to listen to music or watch a film without guilt.

  1. Me time!

Try to focus on yourself and what you really like at least for one hour! This will give you energy and more passion for work! If you do not satisfy yourself, he/she will not be able to “listen” to your wills!

  1. Reschedule your priorities.

If something goes wrong, reschedule it! Stop repeating a possible mistaken method. Place your priorities hierarchically!

For additional support with exam preparation and study skills contact Tavistock Tutors.

Good luck!

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