I think people are often capable of more than they realise. Achieving one's potential is a lot about having confidence and enjoying a subject. This is what I would aim to work on in addition to providing assistance with the content of the course. Struggling students rarely lack the intelligence to succeed; more often they lack the techniques to achieve the results they desire. One thing I have learnt from my academic experience is that one cannot impose study techniques upon someone else. Different things work for different people. Some methods may not get the most out of a student. I have also learnt that study techniques are needed. My approach, therefore, is to develop with a student a set of practices that reflect the student's personality. I encourage students to find their own voice. At the same time, I help show students how to structure their ideas into a form which is more readable and sophisticated to help them achieve higher grades.
2 years private tutoring
Designed and taught a course in philosophy at a community learning centre
Teaching assistant for undergraduates
MPhil, Philosophy, UCL
MA Legal and Political Theory, UCL, distinction
Graduate Diploma in Law, City University, honours
BA Philosophy, University of Nottingham, first class (top of year)
4 A’s A-level (English Literature, Geography, Economics, Art)
10 A*’s and 3 A’s GCSE
Grade 7 Drum Kit
‘Thank you so much for all the help in philosophy. I wouldn’t have been able to do it without you’ Matt, A-level philosophy student
I love to play football and I set up a local weekly mixed football club. To be honest, I’m not that good, but I sure can tackle!