As a tutor I respond to my students’ individual personalities and their attitudes to learning, adapting my teaching methods to help us to achieve the best results. I lead my students to independently interact with the subject with my complete guidance, encouragement and support. I always develop a fun educational atmosphere where the student feels confident, curious and eager to learn, rather than afraid to make mistakes and ask questions. I make sure every single lesson can be remembered as fun and rewarding, so that my students look forward to each lesson and associate their tuition, as I do, with enjoyment and success!
Over 3 Years experience in private tutoring 11+ and 13+
Experience teaching an English as a Foreign Language immersion course in Paris
Volunteer in the Playing for Success scheme in Bath, tutoring and mentoring under-performing young adults in after-school classes.
BA (Hons) degree in Classical Studies, Grade 2:1 (University of Manchester)
A-Levels – 2As: English Literature, Classical Civilisation. B: Spanish
GCSES – 1 A*, 8As, 2Bs
I grew up in a small hotel and have met thousands of people from all over the world, in my own home!